About PPAT
Private Providers Association of Texas (PPAT) is a professional non-profit organization representing both for-profit and non-profit providers of community-based services to approximately 8,700 Texas with intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities. The services, which are available to children and adults, are offered via the following programs.
- Intermediate Care Facility (ICF)
- Home and Community-Based Waiver Services (HCS),
- Texas Home Living Waiver Services (TxHmL), and
- Other community residential and non-residential programs.
The Association has been in operation since 1984 and. under the direction of a 16-member Board and an Executive Director, strongly advocates for a service delivery system which:
- Supports consumer choice,
- Assures access to those it is intended to serve,
- Promotes flexibility, creativity, and quality in the provision of services, and
- Fosters collaborative working relationships among those who provide the services, those who administer the services, and those who receive the services.
If you are unfamiliar with PPAT we hope that you take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with our organization by browsing our site to find out who we are and what services we provide. If you are a veteran of this organization we hope you use this site an in information source. This site we be updated periodically, so keep looking here for updated information.